Javad Roostaei who is a medical student goes to his hometown for vacation to visit his relatives. His return interfere with the enemies’ attack on his hometown village and occupying it. The adolescent prefers to stand up to the enemies rather than continuing his studies and starts to fight among other inhabitants.Javad Roostaei who is a medical student goes to his hometown for vacation to visit his relatives. His return interfere with the enemies’ attack to his hometown village and occupying it. The adolescent prefers to stand against the enemies rather than continuing his studies and starts to fight among other inhabitants.
جواد روستایی که دانشجوی رشته ی پزشکی است، در تعطیلات برای دیدار فامیل به زادگاهش باز میگردد، بازگشت او مقارن حمله ی نیروی دشمن به روستا و اشغال آن است. جوان رویاروئی با دشمن را به ادامه ی تحصیل ترجیح داده و با اهالی به مقابله با خصم می پردازد
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