The Iranians are not satisfied and frustrated by the injustice of the foreigners, especially Russian and British officials. People from all social classes, from clerics, merchants, and traders to peasants, all came together and united against their exploitation and mistreatment by the foreigners. Foreigners, in their turn, used their influence in state apparatus to arrest, punish and exile their dissidents. Even the local government couldn’t resist the influence of foreign powers and adopt a firm policy. It was at this point that the judgement against tobacco was issued by the influential clerics who had a large following among the people and even among the governing elite. The Iranian nationalist advantaged from this event and organized a protest in front of the Shah’s palace. Eventually, Nasser ed-Din Shah gave way to the protestors and annulled the tobacco monopoly. Thus the Iranian nationalist gained their first victory against the foreigners.The Iranians are not satisfied and frustrated by the injustice of the foreigners, especially Russian and British officials. People from all social classes, from clerics, merchants, and traders to peasants, all came together and united against their exploitation and mistreatment by the foreigners. Foreigners, in their turn, used their influence in state apparatus to arrest, punish and exile their dissidents. Even the local government couldn’t resist the influence of foreign powers and adopt a firm policy. It was at this point that the judgement against tobacco was issued by the influential clerics who had a large following among the people and even among the governing elite. The Iranian nationalist advantaged from this event and organized a protest in front of the Shah’s palace. Eventually, Nasser ed-Din Shah gave way to the protestors and annulled the tobacco monopoly. Thus the Iranian nationalist gained their first victory against the foreigners.
مردم ایران از اعمال و رفتار خشونت بار و بی عدالتی های بیگانگان بخصوص عمال روس و انگلیس به شدت ناراضی و به ستوه آمده بودند و از تمام طبقات اجتماعی آن روز ایران از روحانیون و تجار و کسبه و دهقانان جمعیت هایی تشکیل شده و دست اتحاد به هم داده و برضد اجحاف و بی عدالتی بیگانگان شروع به فعالیت و مخالفت کردند و در مقابل بیگانگان هم با نفوذی که در دستگاه حکومتی داشتند به حبس و آزار و شکنجه و تبعید مخالفان خود پرداختند و در این میان حکومت محلی هم در مقابل نفوذ بیگانگان ناتوان بود و قادر به اتخاذ تصمیم قاطعی نبود، بخصوص دراین زمان بود فتوای تحریم تنباکو هم از جانب روحانیون که نفوذ زیادی بین مردم و حتی در دستگاه حکومت داشتند صادر و وطن پرستان ایرانی از این رویداد بهره برده و تظاهراتی در برابر ارگ شاهی برپا کردند تا اینکه سرانجام ناصرالدین شاه تسلیم شد و حکم لغو قرارداد انحصار تنباکو را صادر کرد و وطن پرستان ایرانی موفق شدند اولین شورش خود را بر ضد بیگانگان به ثمر رسانند
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